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Critical Illness and Serious Illness insurance policies pay out a cash lump sum or a regular income through Family Income Benefit when you are diagnosed with a specified illness or suffer injury from a serious accident.

Policies vary depending on the provider, so we will help you understand the finer details and benefits, for example, the number of illnesses covered, the definitions, the partial payments and the claims to payout ratios.

In the event of your diagnosis, money paid out from a Critical Illness policy could be used to help maintain your standard of living, pay off your mortgage and, if needed, pay for private healthcare.


Many insurers also offer Children's Critical Illness cover at no extra cost. This protects children from 30 days old to 18 years of age and can provide up to £25,000 per policy, per child.


  • Enable you or your partner to take some unpaid leave to be with your child
  • Pay for private medical care and specialist equipment
  • Help to fund a special treat like a family holiday

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