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  • An income to help replace any loss of earnings due to ill health or accidental injury
  • Continued benefits if you go back to work in a reduced capacity, with a reduced salary
  • Tax-free payments under the current rules, tax year 2016/17, although this might change in the future

Income Protection Insurance is designed to typically protect up to 70% of your gross salary if you are unable to work due to accident or sickness and, in some cases, unemployment. It can cover a wide range of situations and has the potential to pay out for many years.

Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Cover (ASU)

covers your monthly mortgage payments and certain related costs for a specified period of time (usually up to two years) if you are suddenly unable to work due to an accident, sickness or involuntary unemployment.

You should think carefully about how you would cover your monthly mortgage payments and other outgoings if you couldn't work.

At Michael Chandler Insurance we can talk you through the options available from our panel of insurers and advise on the right policy for you. This will give you peace of mind to know you're making the right choice.

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Whether you're planning on upsizing or downsizing, we can help you understand your options and start your next exciting chapter.

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